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10 Killer Ways to Find Profitable Keywords For Your Blog in 2024

Wondering how to find profitable keywords for your blog?

Then you are in the right place.

Check out this post and learn about the best ways to find profitable and less competitive keywords to rank in search engines.

Before we dive into the topic, let us see about profitable keywords and their benefits.

What are Profitable Keywords?

Keywords are special words if used correctly in your content, can bring good results to your website or business.

These keywords are characterized by being relevant to your niche and engaging your audience.

Benefits of using Profitable Keywords

Following are some of the benefits of using Profitable Keywords:

  • Enhanced Visibility
  • Increased Organic Traffic
  • Higher Conversion Rates
  • Long-Term Success
  • Positive ROI

10 Easy Ways to Find Profitable Keywords Easily for Your Blog

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Ways to Find Profitable Keywords

Let’s dive right into the treasure hunt and explore each of these keyword-finding strategies in detail:

How to Find Profitable Keywords using Google’s Autocomplete

Google AutoComplete is a quick and easy way to find keywords and understand search trends.

Just start typing your text into the Google search box. It will show you keyword ideas that many other people have searched for.

Google tries to guess what you might search for next to make your search smoother and fast more.

Find Profitable Keywords using Google Autocomplete
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Find Profitable Keywords using Google Autocomplete

Here’s how to use Google’s autocomplete method to find keywords effectively:

  • Enter your main idea: Enter a keyword or Basic ideas relevant to your topic or field. Let’s say you have a gardening blog: you can type “organic gardening tips“.
  • See the suggestions pop-up: As you type, Google will provide a list of suggestions below your text. This is often what other people are searching for when searching for the same type of information.
  • Note Keyword Variations: Pay attention to the variations and long-tail keywords in the autocomplete suggestions. These can provide valuable ideas for specific topics to cover in your content.
  • Identify Search Trends: The autocomplete suggestions can also reveal current trends or questions people ask about your topic. This insight can help you create timely and relevant content.
  • Expand Your Keyword List: Use the autocomplete suggestions to expand your list of target keywords. Incorporate these suggestions into your content strategy and optimize your articles around them.
Find Profitable Keywords using related searches
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Find keywords using related searches

Using “Related Searches” is an effective way to find profitable keywords.

Here’s a concise guide on how to use Related Searches:

  • Perform an Initial Search: Begin by entering a seed keyword or topic related to your niche into a search engine, like Google. This seed keyword serves as your starting point.
  • Review the Search Results: Check the search results page, especially the bottom section, where Google displays “Related searches” or “Searches related to” your initial query. These are keyword phrases that users often discover related to your main keyword.
  • Identify Related Phrases: Carefully scan the “Related Searches” section to identify relevant keyword phrases closely related to your topic and relevant to your blog content goals.
  • Expand Your Keyword List: Take note of these related keyword phrases as they provide information valuable information about what users are actively searching for. These phrases can be used to create new content, optimize existing posts, or target specific keywords.

How to Find Keywords Using Keywords Tool

Finding the right keywords can help your blog or website, and using a keyword research tool is a smart way to do it. Start with a general idea that matches what you’re interested in or what your site is about.

The tool will then show you some keyword ideas, along with useful information, such as the number of people searching for them, how stiff the competition is, and sometimes even how much it can cost to advertise with these words.

When looking for good keywords to use, try to choose keywords that many people are searching for but few other websites use. They’re like gold because they’re popular but not too crowded.

Also, pay attention to long-tail keywords: These are longer phrases that may not generate search results.

There are a lot of searches, but they’re great because the people who search for them are more likely to be genuinely interested in what you have to offer.

Tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush are useful for finding These profitable keywords for your blog.

Find Profitable Keywords using Ahrefs
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Using Ahrefs to find keywords

If you cannot afford these, you can use several free tools. You can also try the free keywords generator in Ahrefs.

Keyword Research from Competitors

To shine in search engine rankings, you’ve got to outdo your rivals. That means figuring out which keywords they’re using to get noticed in search results.

First up, spot who the big players are in your field. Then, grab SEO tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs to peek at their websites and see which keywords they’re doing well with.

I’m all about SEMrush. It’s my go-to for digging into keyword research.

To do this, I use SEMrush which is my favorite SEO tool for keyword research.

Find profitable keywords using Competitors
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Find profitable keywords using Competitors

Pay attention to search volume, keyword difficulty, and the type of content associated with these keywords. Identify high-value keywords with a balance of search volume and competition.

Also, look for content gaps where your competitors rank, but you don’t. Use this research to create or optimize your content, ensuring it addresses user queries effectively.

Continuously monitor your competitors’ strategies and adjust your keyword targeting to stay competitive in your niche.

Exploring User Questions

Exploring forums and Q&A sites is a rich source for keyword discovery. These platforms host real conversations, questions, and discussions among your target audience.

Find profitable keywords using quora
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By actively participating or simply observing, you can identify the precise words and phrases people use when seeking information or solutions in your niche.

These user-generated keywords are invaluable for crafting content that addresses their queries and pain points.

Find Profitable Keywords using Answerthepublic
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Additionally, tools like AnswerThePublic aggregate common questions from such platforms, making it easier to find relevant keywords.

How to Find Easy Keywords using Amazon Product Listing

Taking a look at Amazon product listings is like finding a treasure map for keywords that match what you’re selling.

These gems can draw in folks who might want to buy from your website or online shop.

How to find keywords using Amazon product listing
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Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Identify Your Niche: Decide on the area you’re aiming for. Say you’re all about fitness gear; that’s where you’ll start.
  • Visit Amazon: Jump onto Amazon (www.amazon.com) and pop a keyword related to your niche into the search bar.
  • Filter and Sort: You’ll get a bunch of products linked to what you’re interested in. Use the filters to sort them by things like ratings, reviews, or prices to spot the hot items.
  • Product Titles and Descriptions: Take a good look at the titles and descriptions of the best-selling products. They’re usually packed with keywords that pull in shoppers.
  • Amazon Autocomplete: As you type in your keyword, Amazon will offer up suggestions. These are clues to what Amazon buyers are looking for.
  • Amazon Reviews: Dive into the reviews. Customers often mention specific things they love or hate, and those comments are full of potential keywords.
  • Use Keyword Tools: Once you’ve got a list of possible keywords from Amazon, you can check them out with tools like Google Keyword Planner or other SEO tools to see how many people are searching for them and how much competition there is.

Google Trends is a super cool way to do keyword research. Just type in some keywords or ideas that fit what you’re into.

Google Trends will show you a chart that tracks how often people have been looking for those words over time.

Keep an eye out for patterns, like if certain words get popular at specific times of the year, or if there are sudden jumps in interest.

Plus, it’ll show you other things folks are searching for that are connected to your keywords.

Find Profitable Keywords using Google Trends
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This data helps you identify trending keywords and craft content around timely topics. Additionally, you can filter by location and compare multiple keywords to gauge their relative popularity.

In the above screenshot, I have searched for the term, “make money online“, in Google Trends. I have set the country as the United States and the time as “Past 5 years“.

This term has been searched by the people for the last 5 years.

Find LSI Keywords

LSI keywords are like cousins ​​to your main keywords. They’re not exactly the same, but they’re related enough that Google knows they’re tied together.

Think of LSI keywords as words or phrases that Google thinks will appear in the same vicinity as your main keyword.

It is important to remember that LSI keywords are not simple synonyms; rather, it’s about giving search engines clues about what your content actually is about.

So for example, if your keyword was dog training, some LSI words might be treats, leash, etc.


Well, these are words that Google expects to see in an article about dog training.

It helps show that the article is relevant and contains quality information. Keep in mind Google is a robot. It uses relationships between words to help understand the meaning of an article.

So how does that help us?

Imagine if you knew exactly what words Google expected to find in an article about a certain topic.

If you sprinkle these words throughout your article, it will help Google understand that your article is performing well, and possibly very well.

This helps the article be more likely to rank.

Find Profitable Keywords Using Search Intent Terms

Another great way to find keywords related to any niche is to look at keyword search intent.

Using search intent, we can find three types of keywords. Let us see them briefly.

Information Keywords

These are used in searches to learn something new or find answers to questions.

Keywords include the words “How“, “What“, “Where“, “Which“, “Best way to do it“, etc.

For example, how to make money from blogging.

Transactional Keywords

These are used in transactional searches.

Keywords include the words “Buy“, “Deals“, “Discounts“, “Coupon“, “Offer“, etc. These are the top commercial intent keywords that show the strongest buying potential.

For example, web hosting deals or Black Friday deals.

Product Keywords

These are also commercial, but may not be as strong as the keywords discussed above.

Keywords include the words “best“, “cheap“, “review“, “top” and the name of a product, etc.

For example, the best laptop under $500 or the best mobile phone under $200.

Check out this post for the list of different keyword types.

Using Google Keyword Planner to Find Keywords

Find Profitable Keywords using Keyword Planner
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Using Google Keyword Planner to find keywords

You can use Google Keyword Planner as a tool to help you find keywords for your blog.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Access Google Keyword Planner: Just click here https://ads.google.com/home/tools/keyword-planner/

Navigate to Keyword Planner: Once logged in, click “Tools & Settings” and select “Keyword Planner” from the dropdown menu under “Planning.”

Find New Keywords: Click the “Find New Keywords” button. You can write keywords related to your blog, leave a link to your website, and choose a group to get new ideas.

Refine Keywords: Review the list of keyword suggestions provided by the tool. Pay attention to metrics like search volume, competition, and bid estimates. Focus on keywords that align with your niche and content objectives.

Filter and Sort: Utilize filters to refine results based on criteria like location, language, and search networks to target your specific audience.

Analyze Keyword Ideas: Click on individual keywords to access more detailed information, including historical data, trends, and ad group ideas.

Download and Save: Once you’ve identified valuable keywords, download them or save them to a keyword plan.

Group Keywords: Organize your keywords into groups based on relevance to aid in content planning and campaign organization.

Negative Keywords: You can add negative keywords to filter out irrelevant traffic when you do an ad campaign.

Google Keyword Planner provides important metrics such as search volume, competition, and bid estimates, to help you the right keywords that align with your goals and audience.

Crafting Content Around Your Keywords

Finding profitable keywords is just the beginning; you must also use them correctly in your content:

Natural Integration: Avoid the unnatural stuffing of keywords into your content. Instead, prioritize the creation of valuable, user-focused content. Keywords should flow naturally within the context of your writing.

Keyword Placement: Include selected keywords in your content. Include the keywords in the title, headings, and subheadings. Always remember, it’s about adding value to the content. Do not repeat the same keywords.

Use Synonyms and Variations: Do not depend on a single keyword. Try to use synonyms and variations to make your content more comprehensive and appealing to search engines.

High-Quality Content: Always ensure the creation of high-quality, informative content that meets user needs. Google rewards content that provides value to readers.


That’s all about the best ways to find profitable keywords for your blog.

Keyword research is the backbone of SEO. Including the right keyword increases the search engine visibility and traffic to your blog.

Let us know your favorite method in the comments.

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Umapathy Sekar is a Passionate Blogger and Affiliate Marketer. He has more than 8 years of experience in Affiliate Marketing. At Onlinedecoded.com, he writes mostly about Tips and Tricks about Blogging, Affiliate Marketing and how you can earn money online. You can follow him on Twitter and Linkedin.

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