Are you using free web hosting? Then it is high time you avoid free web hosting for your sites.
While you may get web hosting without spending any money, there are many disadvantages to it.
Check out this post and learn about the 13 top reasons that you should avoid free web hosting to improve your blogging career.
Top 13 Reasons To Avoid Free Web Hosting
Blogging is so popular nowadays, that everyone wants to start a blog & generate revenue from it.
Have you ever thought running a blog on a free website can spoil your hard work?
The Internet is full of opportunities & there are tons of self-hosted companies that provide Web Hosting at a very low cost.
For newbies making a free website is very exciting as they do not need to spend money on self-hosted blogs or they don’t have much knowledge about it.
Using a free website can limit you from many great features that are there in self-hosted websites.
So if anyone in your friend circle or any relative thinking of starting a free website “STOP” them.
In this article, I will discuss the 13 reasons why you should avoid free Web hosting immediately.
Slow Website
The free website is extremely slow because there are hundreds of websites that are hosted on
Having a slow website creates a bad user experience and bad practice in SEO.
Check out the infographic by Kissmetrics
Ugly Web Address
Using a Free Website with address names like looks ugly.
The visitors or customers don’t take your business seriously because you don’t have a professional web address. So think about it.
Visitors to your blog can help you earn big bucks if you take the internet business seriously.
Low Bandwidth
A free website has low bandwidth which can cause you BIG problems in the
Bandwidth is the amount of data that is transferred to the user’s browser.
Low bandwidth cannot handle a large number of visitors which can crash your website.
Bad User Interface (Not Responsive)
Responsive design has a significant role in SEO but most free website company doesn’t provide a responsive interface. It can lead you to l
Even Responsive website design counts in Google ranking factors because mobile users are increasing drastically.
So, I recommend going with paid web hosting & responsive WordPress theme to rank much better on Google.
No Customer Support
Creating a website on a free platform doesn’t include any customer support.
In paid web hosting you get premium customer support in setting up your professional email, website, subdomains, etc. But on the free website, you have to set up the website on your own with pre-made ugly themes.
Minimum Disk Storage
On a free website platform, there are thousands of websites that are using the same storage, so you have to face low disk space problems in the future.
If you are full of free storage & want to use more storage you have to buy a premium plan.
No Plugins & No Site Builder Option
As you all know WordPress is the best CMS platform to make an attractive website by using awesome themes and tons of plugins.
But on the free website, you have to choose from the existing pre-made theme & you are not allowed to install any plugin according to your needs.
There are lots of great site builder plugins that allow for making the website more engaging & customer-oriented.
My favorite site builder plugin is Beaver & Elementor Builder.
These plugins have a great inbuilt feature to make
Hacking Attempts
A free website can cause you more problems & there are more chances of getting hacked.
It will be more difficult for you to get your website recovered from hackers, so think about it wisely before using it.
Check Out: How To Protect Your WordPress Site?
Spam & Unwanted Advertisement
A free website has more chances of spam & unwanted advertisements on the website page. It can annoy your visitors and force them to exist on your Website.
No Company Email Address
A Free website doesn’t offer a
Not having a branded email can affect your brand image in front of an internet audience.
No Data Analytics
A free website cannot track your visitors they run its analytics script, even if you are not allowed to install Google Analytics.
Running a website without analytics can ruin your efforts, you will not be able to track the visitor’s geographic data.
Tracking visitors can take your business to a new level, using the analytics plugin can tell you the website statistics.
MonsterInsights is a great tool to track your Visitors all around the world.
Backup Problem
A free website doesn’t allow the user to back up the data of the website. There is no way to restore your data if something bad happens to your website.
Using premium hosting allows the user to install a backup plugin in WordPress, which is easy to set up & helps the
No Way To Earn Money From Free Website
On the Free website, the user is not allowed to monetize with AdSense or add an affiliate link. The company promotes its advertisement on your websites.
So if you aim to earn money online, free websites are not for you.
That’s all about the 13 reasons you need to avoid free web hosting.
I highly recommend you use premium web hosting to avoid all your future uncertainty.
I hope now it’s clear why one should not use a free website just to save little bucks.
If you face any difficulty in setting up a WordPress blog feel free to contact me. I will be happy to help you.
If you are looking to buy Web Hosting I highly recommend going with A2 Web hosting. It is fast at an amazing price.