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9 Best Blog Post Ideas for Beginners in 2025

Searching for blog post ideas?

Finding great blog post ideas will bring more visitors and increase your traffic. Check out these great ways to find ideas for your blog posts.

9 Best Blog Post Ideas for Beginners

Best Blog Post Ideas for Beginners
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Best Blog Post Ideas for Beginners

Each day more than hundreds of blogs are registered. 

It does not matter whether you write for your own blog or do a guest post on a different site.

What matters is the perfect content. In order to be successful, you need to be consistent in updating your blog.

For that, you need ideas for blog posts.

Here, I have shared some tips to get content for your blogs.

You may be aware of these tips. But you may not have used it. Let’s see how to find ideas for blog posts.

Use Google To Get Ideas For Blog

Yes. You can use Google to see the latest trends or hot topic that is currently discussed. You can write a brief post about it.

Just search for Google trends and you see the current trending topics or most searched things or persons.

Get Ideas From YouTube

Go to YouTube and then search for some videos related to your blog.

After watching the video, you can write about it. But never write word by word what was explained in that video.

You can take the gist of it and write in your own style.

Interpret Quotes

This is one of the new ideas that I found recently. There is a famous quote “Those who lack the courage will always find a philosophy to justify it”.

You can use the quotes and write a topic related to your blog niche. For example, If you are a business consultant you can write a topic like:

1. All business people are courageous. Is that true?
2. Tips to overcome fear and start a business.

We can also relate this quote to blogging. You can come up with ideas like:

1. How to outshine others and become a successful blogger.
2. How to overcome fear and start blogging right now.

Use Twitter

All Twitter users use hashtags in their tweets.

You can find the popular and trending tag and you can write a post about it. Suppose there is an upcoming expo regarding social media or a workshop by ProBlogger.

You can make use of it and come up with a topic related to it and it may go viral.

You can also interview the owner of the company who launches a new product.

Use Quora To Find Blog Post Ideas

Quora is the best Question and answer site.  

You can find tons of information on it. You can easily find ideas for your next blog post on Quora itself.

Go To A Coffee Shop Or Shopping

You can see different kinds of people out there. You can observe their behavior and come up with a post.

Watch TV To Find Ideas for blog posts

Unable to believe?

Yes, you can get ideas for your blog by watching Television.

Television is called an idiot by most people.

Actually, you can get some blogging ideas while watching television.

Check out the article ” How to Get Blogging Ideas While Watching Television” by Sasidhar Kareti of Amfastech.

Use Tools To Get Blog Post Ideas

There are some tools available online and you can use those tools to get blog post ideas.

For example, you can use Ubersuggest to get blog post ideas.

It can also be used as a keyword suggestion tool for your blog post.

use ubersuggest - tips to find blog post ideas
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use ubersuggest – tips to find blog post ideas

Sleep Properly To Get Ideas For Your Blog

If you work continuously without any sleep, your brain will not function normally. So, it is important that you need sleep at least 5 to 6 six hours.

Over to you

These were some of the tips on “How to find ideas for blog posts“.

Do let me know what you do when your creative juice is running out of new topic ideas.

What strategy do you use to find creative ideas for your next blog post?

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Umapathy Sekar is a Passionate Blogger and Affiliate Marketer. He has more than 8 years of experience in Affiliate Marketing. At Onlinedecoded.com, he writes mostly about Tips and Tricks about Blogging, Affiliate Marketing and how you can earn money online. You can follow him on Twitter and Linkedin.

20 thoughts on “9 Best Blog Post Ideas for Beginners in 2025”

  1. Hi Umapathy,

    Firstly, I would like to thank you for the honor of getting specified of my blog post in this article. Coffee shop and sleeping tight are out of box strategies you have mentioned there. I liked the idea of using the trends on social media as it is one of traffic driving strategy. Using tools may not actually help you these days as the algorithms have gone too intelligent.

    Thank you for sharing 🙂

    Have a great day!

    • Hi Sasidhar,

      TV is considered as idiot box by many people. But your thought of using TV to get blog ideas was excellent. I really liked that post. Thought of including it so that many people will change their opinion about that. Its always pleasure to read your posts as you always come up with different ideas. Social media is one of the top traffic drivers and using its trends will give us bright ideas. Glad you liked them 🙂

  2. Good article, some basic and useful tips to keep blogging. It is amazing that we tend to forget these things so easily so thanks for a reminder. Will definitely try a few of them.

    • Hi Ahmad,

      Warm welcome to you. Its a common thing that we tend to forget those basics. However, using those can bring some good ideas for our blog posts. Thank you for your comment. Have a great weekend 😉

  3. Hi Umapathy

    Great suggestions to come up with ideas for blog posts. All bloggers I think do run out of ideas at one point or the other. I get ideas through reading books. Sometime, I see a picture and ideas begin to flow. Of course one would always want to stay on top of the game so doing a Google search to see what is trending is good. Thanks for sharing.

    • Hi Yvonne mam,

      Warm welcome to you. At some point we may drain out of ideas for our blog. Good to know that you get ideas from reading books. Getting ideas from pictures is something new to me. Let me try that. Using Google trends we can see the current trends and we can get ideas from the current top topics. Thank you for your comment.
      Have a great weekend ahead 🙂

  4. Hi Umpathy,
    Superb post bro.
    Thank you so much for suggesting Sasidhar’s post too.
    Getting ideas for blog post is very difficult. Especially after too much writing.
    All the sources in the post are packed with ideas.
    Among all, I really like the idea of creating a post from a YouTube video. That is awesome man.
    Bro, I also read Sasidhar’s post also. Yet to read Adrienne Mam’s post.
    I have a suggestion. We can get blog post ideas from newspaper also, right??
    When I read the point “Go a coffee shop or shopping”, an article came to my mind.
    My friend, Zion Amal Rafeeq had written a post on a small boy whom he met at a restaurant. It was clearly interesting.
    Thank you so much for the post bro.
    Keep going.

    • Hi Rahul,

      Warm welcome to you. Glad you read Sasidhar’s post. Whats your opinion on getting ideas from watching TV?

      There are lot of videos of youtube and you can get ideas for your blog post easily. Adrienne mam’s post explains about the tools to get the latest trends and hot topics. I recommend to have a look on it. You can also get ideas from newspaper. But, nowaways there is no time to read the entire news paper. Glad to hear that you got an idea when you read about coffee shop. Do share us about that idea. Good to know that your friend has written a post about boy whom he met at a restaurant. Thank you for the time to took to read the post and write your comment 😉

      Have a great week end ahead.

  5. Hi Umapathy,

    Great tips to get ideas for your blog. Though I do not own a blog, I like your tips. When I start my blog, I will follow these tips. One suggestion, try to reply to the comments soon. It looks like odd when you reply to all the people at the same time. Approve valid comments and reply to it immediately. Or you can reply to each comment and then approve the next one. It looks like you have approved all the comments at same time and then replied to them at the same time. This is not to hurt you. Kind suggestion bro. Hope you will take this lightly 😉

  6. Hi Umapathy,

    Good tips to get ideas for blog posts. Can you tell explain how you got the figure “2,015,886” for blog post.

  7. Hi Umapathy!

    This is a very important subject especially for people who blog for a while. I have usually lots of ideas but then I have to double check if what I think is really of interest to my readers. So, Google search about what is of interest to people is a great idea.

    BTW! I had the idea for my next post at a concert I was last Friday.
    Best, Ilka

  8. Hi Umapathy,

    These are excellent ideas! I have read many blog post about this subject but this one I would have to say is at the top of my list up there with Sasidhar’s. I love the idea of using quotes. As much as I like and read them you would think I would have thought of that myself already. 🙂

    And the twitter idea stands out to me. I will use these great ideas for sure.


  9. Hi bro,
    These are valuable and great ideas for blog ideas. It is good to see that you have mentioned other bloggers’ post here. Many people don’t do that. They are selfish. glad you are not one of them.

  10. HI Umapathy, Thanks for this thoughtful post. “Sleeping” is a good idea. It actually evokes our subconscious mind and could provide with some topics which lay deep below in our heart/ mind.

    • Hi Ajay,

      Though I have some ideas for the blog post here, sleeping is my favourite. We need to sleep atleast 5 hours a day. I get new ideas after a good sleep. Hence, I have mentioned it. Glad you liked it.


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