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How to Migrate From Blogger to WordPress – 6 Easy Steps

Are you looking to migrate from blogger to WordPress site without losing your existing traffic?

Then you are in the right place.

It is easy to migrate from blogger to WordPress platform if you do the basics in the right way.

In this post, I will explain step by step how to move your blogger site to the WordPress platform without any drop in traffic.

Before we dive into the topic of migrating to WordPress from Blogger, we will see about the need for it.

Why do you need to Migrate to WordPress from Blogger?

Moving from Blogger to WordPress is a common decision for many reasons, each of which aims to improve the functionality, organization, and overall management of your website or blog.

Here are some reasons why people consider moving from Blogger to WordPress:

Ownership and Control of Data

When you use Blogger, Google ultimately owns your content and has the right to shut down your blog if it violates its rules.

With WordPress, you have complete control over your data.

More Control

With WordPress, you have complete control over your website. You are not limited by the limits of third-party platforms, as is the case with Blogger.

This gives you the freedom to make changes, add features, and optimize your site as you see fit.

Professionalism and Branding

WordPress offers more flexibility in terms of layout and design. It allows you to create a unique and professional website that matches your brand identity.

This is especially important for businesses and individuals who want to create a strong online presence.

Customization Options

WordPress offers many themes and plugins that allow you to customize the look and functionality of your website to suit your needs.

This level of editing is usually limited in Blogger.

SEO and Optimization

WordPress is well known for its top SEO features.

You have more power to optimize your content for search engines, which can help improve your website’s visibility and ranking in search results.

Check out: How to Start a Blog in 30 Minutes?

How to Migrate From Blogger to WordPress Easily without Traffic Loss?

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How to migrate from Blogger to WordPress

Let us move to the main topic of this post which is to migrate from Blogger to WordPress without hurting your ranking and traffic.

Learn the steps involved in detail.

Purchase Good Web Hosting

Purchasing good web hosting is the first step to getting your website ready.

There are many web hosting providers available in the market. I would recommend you buy hosting from GreenGeeks or FastComet which are both beginners-friendly and provide high-speed hosting.

Both GreenGeeks and FastComet offer free domain transfers. So, you can transfer your existing domain to them for free.

Currently, both of them offer good discounts and you can start with them for just $2.95/month.

Fill up the details and sign up for an account. After purchasing the hosting, log in to your hosting account and install WordPress on your site.

You will be prompted to enter the admin username and password.

Remember these credentials and copy and paste this information on a notepad or Word file. You will need that to log in to the admin panel of your website.

Do not forget to update the Name servers of your web hosting with your domain name registrar.

Export your Blogger Blog

To continue with the migration, you would need to log in to your blogger account and export the blogger blog.

Export your blog
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Follow the steps below to continue further:

  • Log in to your Blogger Account.
  • Navigate to Settings and click on the “Other” section.
  • On the right side, you will see Import and Backup. Choose Backup content and click on it.
  • You will get an option to save the content on your computer. Click on that option and save the file on your computer.

Login to WordPress and Import the Blogger Content

Now, log in to your WordPress site using the credentials created earlier.

By default, the login URL will be site.com/wp-admin.

Replace the site with your domain name.

After logging in to the dashboard of your site, delete the default post, page, and comment.

Once it is done, it is time to import the blogger content to WordPress.

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Follow the steps below:

  • From the WordPress dashboard, navigate to the section called Tools.
  • Click on Import.
  • Click on Install Now under the Blogger tab.
  • Once it is installed, click on Run Installer.
  • You will get the option to upload the blogger content.
  • Click on Choose the file and select the blogger file that was saved on your computer.
  • Click on Upload file and Import.
  • Next, it will ask to update the author name for the posts.
  • Update the name and click on submit.

WordPress will import all the posts from your Blogger site. You can verify the same by clicking on the posts tab in the dashboard.

There is one drawback with this plugin. You will not be able to import the pages. So, you need to import them manually.

Updating permalinks in WordPress is another important step when you migrate from Blogger to WordPress.

With WordPress, you will have the option to update your permalinks.

However, as you are migrating from blogger to WordPress, it is advisable to keep the same URL structure as a blogger.

Follow the steps below to update the permalinks:

  • From the dashboard of your WordPress site, click on Settings.
  • Click on Permalink.
  • Choose custom permalink and enter the code /%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%.html and save it.

You can also choose a permalink like domain.com/post name. To set up this, you would need to set up a redirect in your .htacess. file.

Note: .htacess is a very important file. If you make some mistakes, your blog can be broken.

Just open it and paste the Below code on the top of the .htacess file.

RewriteEngine on
RedirectMatch 301 /([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/(.*)\.html$ /$3/

Then your .htacess will look like the following one:

RewriteEngine on
RedirectMatch 301 /([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/(.*)\.html$ /$3/
# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END WordPress

Setup Redirection from Blogger to WordPress

This is the important step in migrating your blogger site to WordPress. This will ensure that you will not lose your ranking and traffic.

Setup redirection in blogger
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Follow the steps below:

  • Log in to your Blogger account.
  • Scroll down to the Themes section and click on the “Revert to Classical themes” option.
  • Once you confirm the change, you will see new settings.
  • Scroll down and click on “Edit Theme HTML”.
  • Copy the entire code and delete it.
  • Copy and paste the following code into it.


<link rel="canonical" href="http://example.com/" />

<link rel="canonical" href="http://example.com/?blogger=<$BlogItemPermalinkURL$>"

<h1><a href="http://example.com/"><$BlogTitle$></a></h1>

Replace example.com with your domain name and save the template.

Now, you need to set up redirection on the WordPress site so that users are directed to the right posts.

Follow the steps below:

  • From the dashboard of the WordPress site, click on Appearance.
  • Then click on Editor.
  • On the right side menu, click on the Theme Function.
  • Edit the file and copy-paste the following code into it.
function blogger_query_vars_filter($vars) {
$vars[] = “blogger”;
return $vars;

add_filter(‘query_vars’, ‘blogger_query_vars_filter’);

function blogger_template_redirect() {
global $wp_query;
$blogger = $wp_query – > query_vars[‘blogger’];
if (isset($blogger)) {
wp_redirect(get_wordpress_url($blogger), 301);

add_action(‘template_redirect’, ‘blogger_template_redirect’);

function get_wordpress_url($blogger) {
if (preg_match(‘@^(?:https?://)?([^/]+)(.*)@i’, $blogger, $url_parts)) {
$query = new WP_Query(
array(“meta_key” = > “blogger_permalink”, “meta_value” = > $url_parts[2]
) )
if ($query – > have_posts()) {
$query – > the_post();
$url = get_permalink();
return $url ? $url : home_url();

Click on the Update file to save the changes.

Important note: If you change your WordPress theme, you would need to repeat this step and copy the code to a Theme Functions file of your new WordPress theme.

Updating other Settings

There are a few more settings to be updated. Let us see those.

Moving Blogger Widgets to WordPress

There is no option to move the blogger widgets to your WordPress. However, you can add widgets to your WordPress easily.

Follow these steps:

  • From the dashboard of your WordPress site, click on Appearance.
  • Click on Widgets.
  • Drag and drop the required widgets that you need to display on your site.

Update RSS Feeds

If you have RSS subscribers, they will not be able to receive the updates after migration. You need to set up RSS redirection so that they can receive the updates from your WordPress site.

Update RSS Feeds in Blogger
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Follow the steps below:

  • Log in to your Blogger account.
  • Navigate to the settings section and click on the other tab.
  • Find the “Site Feed” section
  • Next to the “Post Feed Redirect URL”, click the “Add” link
  • Type in https://example.com/feed/ and do not forget to change the domain name of your site.
  • Click on save changes.

Frequently Asked Questions about Moving from Blogger to WordPress

Following are some of the frequently asked questions on how to migrate from blogger to WordPress:

Can I delete my blogger blog after moving to WordPress?

No, you should not delete your blogger blog. Redirections will not work and you will lose traffic.

I changed my theme and now the redirection does not work. What to do?

Whenever you change the theme, you need to update the code to the theme functions.

How to transfer the domain from Blogger to WordPress?

You just need to update the name servers from your hosting account to the domain name registrar.

Can I change the permalink URL structure?

If you wish, you can change the permalink like example.com/post. You need to set up redirection in your .htaccess file.

To get the best out of SEO and to keep traffic to your new site, it is recommended to keep the same permalink structure as Blogger.

Will the migration affect the ranking of your WordPress site?

Migration will not affect your ranking. You can migrate from blogger to WordPress without hurting your ranking and traffic.

Final Words

That’s all about how to migrate from blogger to WordPress site without traffic drop.

This migration will not affect your Google ranking.

If you have questions or face any difficulty in moving your blogger blog to WordPress, let me know in the comments.

If this post was helpful to you, share it with your friends.

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Umapathy Sekar is a Passionate Blogger and Affiliate Marketer. He has more than 8 years of experience in Affiliate Marketing. At Onlinedecoded.com, he writes mostly about Tips and Tricks about Blogging, Affiliate Marketing and how you can earn money online. You can follow him on Twitter and Linkedin.

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